Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Advancing Transdisciplinarity and Co-Creation

Thomas Bruhn

Dr. Thomas Bruhn

Research Group Leader
Theme Speaker
Manuel Rivera

Dr. Manuel Rivera

Research Group Leader
Theme Speaker
Weiterentwicklung von Transdisziplinarität und Ko-Kreation

Bringing together different perspectives and forms of knowledge is crucial to advancing the transformation towards sustainability. Socially robust knowledge about and for this transformation can be generated in culturally-aware spaces for reflection and dialogue and through trusting and transdisciplinary partnerships. Researchers working on this theme evaluate and develop transdisciplinary and co-creative research methods and support their use in different areas of research practice. Three aspects take centre-stage here: Firstly, the development of spaces for collaboration and reflection within co-creative research and dialogue processes, including at conferences (e.g., the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference), in joint projects with partners (e.g., EU Horizon projects) and in participation processes (e.g., citizens' assemblies and participatory urban development initiatives). Research teams analyse the methods used in these spaces and and assess their impacts, contributing to debates and processes in the public, policy, and academic spheres. Findings from this research support the development and improvement of transdisciplinary approaches and methods, enhancing their utility for relevant stakeholders. Research conducted under this theme also explores how different forms of knowledge can be combined to improve both the quality of research outcomes and innovative practices and support the development of solutions to complex problems. Advances in this area will help to convince key players in science and practice that the benefits of transdisciplinary cooperation make the increased commitment of time and resources worthwhile. The evaluation of transdisciplinary research is the third aspect addressed under this theme. Research teams draw lessons from processes that include transdisciplinary methods and also measure the efficacy of science-informed methods of advising policymakers and other stakeholders. This research covers a broad range of indicators, including the quality and outcomes of transdisciplinary processes as well as their medium and longer-term transformative effects, and secondary and emergent effects generated through relationships and networks.