Seddin Declaration for Sustainability and Democracy
Representatives of Brandenburg’s Sustainability Platform presented the Seddin Declaration for Sustainability and Democracy to Minister of the Environment Axel Vogel and Parliamentary President Ulrike Liedtke at parliament today. Signed by 20 organisations and over 380 citizens, the Seddin Declaration highlights the connection between democracy and sustainable development and calls on politicians to establish an enabling environment for pathways towards greater sustainability in Brandenburg. The Seddin Declaration calls on policymakers to put sustainable development at the top of their agenda in the next legislative period.

“In the face of a resurgent far right and worsening climate crisis, it is vital that the people of Brandenburg are empowered to engage with political processes,” said Vinzenz Doer of the Brandenburg Youth Forum for Sustainability (JuFoNa) at the reception. The Declaration, they suggested, should guide the work of Minister Vogel and State Parliament President Liedtke. Doer urged government to use the remainder of the legislative period to implement the state’s climate plan and sustainability strategy: “The close to 400 signatures from organisations and individuals show that Brandenburg wants sustainable and democratic development. The time for action is now!”
Minister Vogel, who accepted the declaration on behalf of the state government, emphasized the importance of implementing the state’s climate plan swiftly and in step with civil society: “Representatives of initiatives and associations will contribute to the implementation of the climate action plan alongside experts, as was the case during its development. Among other things, we intend to establish a Climate Forum to support public engagement. These efforts will build on and complement the work of organisations such as the Sustainability Platform and Youth Forum for Sustainability."
Ulrike Liedtke, President of the State Parliament, thanked the Sustainability Platform and said: “It is vital that we adopt an integrated approach to sustainable development and democracy and involve as many people as possible.” Young people in particular should be encouraged to actively engage with political processes and support their outcomes.
The President of the State Parliament will forward the Seddin Declaration to the members of parliament.

Brandenburg Sustainability Platform is supported by around 200 initiatives for sustainable development. It was founded in January 2019 and is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) of the State of Brandenburg. The Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam hosts the Platform’s coordination office. The Seddin Declaration was adopted at a plenary session held in the town of Seddin on 18 March 2024 and signed by the attendees. Other individuals and organisations were subsequently invited to sign the Declaration.