Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Michael Keary

Dr. Michael Keary

Affiliate Scholar

Dr. Michael Keary is a researcher in political theory and environmental politics, specializing in the study of technological change. He explores how different conceptions of technological change shape our understanding of what is desirable and possible, and how these views translate into policy decisions.

At RIFS, Michael is investigating what the digital revolution means for green political theory. He has recently published an article in Contemporary Political Theory which develops a green theory of technological change. An article that identifies the significance of technological change to political theory in general is forthcoming in Politics. Additionally, he is currently writing a book on the topic of hatred in political theory, under contract with Bristol University Press.

Since gaining his PhD in 2013, Michael has taught at Aberystwyth University, Nazarbayev University, and King's College London. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and recently published a chapter exploring the role of problem-based learning in sustainability education. When he's not working, he follows the fortunes of the Irish and Munster rugby teams, as well as Manchester United football club.

  • Political theory
  • Environmental Politics
  • Technological Change
  • Digitalisation
  • The Politics of Emotions

Publications at the RIFS

Publications prior to joining the RIFS

  • (2023) 'The Political Theory of Technological Change: Lessons from the Liberalism-Ecologism Debate'. Politics. Forthcoming.

  • (2023) 'A Green Theory of Technological Change: Ecologism and the Case for Technological Scepticism'. Contemporary Political Theory 22, pp. 70-93.

  • with Conor Purcell (2023), 'Human security impacts of crossing the Amazon rainforest tipping point'. Germanwatch Tipping points blog series #1.

  • (2022) 'The Sum of Solutions: Utilising Problem-Based Learning to Solve Critical Problems' in Satish Kumar and Lorna Howarth (Eds.), Regenerative Learning: Education as if People & Planet Matter. London: Global Resilience Publishing

  • (2016) 'The New Prometheans: Technological Optimism in Climate Change Mitigation Modelling'. Environmental Values 25, pp. 7-28.

  • (2022) King's College London Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination